House Flipper Cheats and Console Commands

In the dynamic realm of simulation gaming, House Flipper stands out as a captivating experience that combines creativity, strategy, and a touch of real estate flair. Its gameplay allows players to step into the shoes of a one-person renovation crew, turning dilapidated houses into stunning, market-ready homes.

The game’s theme basically revolves around buying, renovating, and selling houses for profit. While fixing up run-down properties and turning them into dream homes may sound interesting, House Flipper only offers players a modest budget to start with, hence the difficulty in purchasing as many neglected properties as possible.

Now, assuming you do not want to grind or navigate through the game’s replayability, we have unravelled below all the House Flipper Cheats and House Flipper console commands that offer unlimited money, as well as all the tools needed for renovation.

House Flipper Cheat and Console Commands

Unlike most games, the cheat code option in House Flipper doesn’t really offer any in-game resources but instead unlocks the game’s console command.

To activate the House Flipper cheat, simply load a save and press the ESC key on your keyboard to pause the game. From here, press the tilde (~) to open up the cheat code window.

Now type in IDDQD into the box that says Enter the Code and press Enter to activate. With that done, press ESC to close the window, and then use the tilde (~) key to open the game’s console.

With the console opened, simply type in the following commands and press Enter to activate.

  • help: shows a list of all the commands available.
  • hideversion: hides the game’s version information.
  • noclip: freezes the player. To move, navigate to the camera tab of your tablet, and you’ll be able to go through objects and teleport where you went with the camera.
  • hideui: hides all the game’s UIs
  • addMoneyToBankAccount [amount]: Adds the specified amount of money to the player’s bank account.
  • enableTabletAndTools: Bypasses the game’s tutorial and gives players all the tools and access to the tablet.
  • shotgun: replaces the player’s sledgehammer with a shotgun capable of destroying an entire wall instead of just one segment.
  • lumos: Turns on the lights in the room.
  • nox: Turns off the lights in the room.
  • cut: cuts all the grass on the lawn but also puts grass over pavement.
  • quit: Quits the game.
  • displayMainInfo [tooltip]: Displays the various tutorial tooltips
  • after [time] [command]: Executes a command after a specified amount of time.
  • fps: Shows extra debug information
  • echo – Prints echo
  • hello: Prints “Is it me you are looking for?”
  • fpslimit: shows the current FPS limit.
  • scalehud: Show the current scale of the HUD.
  • lasthouse: Completes the game so you can buy all the houses again.
  • skillu: gives you all the skill points for each skill.
  • stopsun: disables time of day, making it sunny all the time.
  • realsun: changes the time of day to real-time.
  • quicksun: Causes night and day to happen must happen faster.
  • slowsun: changes time of day to game-time
  • gravity: Toggles gravity to be upside down.
  • skillm: Max all skills
  • skill: lowers all the skills but retains the points for them.
  • skillr – Resets all the skill points for each skill to 0.
  • letsgohome – Teleports players back to their office when on a mission or own property.
  • cameraLock: Locks the camera

Other House Flipper Console Commands

  • debugplayer
  • optGrass
  • cavitystrike
  • objinfo
  • highlight
  • instarepairquest
  • expect100
  • dropitem
  • dropallitems
  • consumeitems
  • achivr
  • quality
  • timescale
  • speedrun
  • reset
  • orders
  • reComp
  • molemole
  • gpu
  • langPrev
  • langNext
  • flush
  • vsync
  • refreshprobes
  • showprobes
  • hideprobes
  • logprobescoords
  • probesperframe
  • find
  • focus
  • use

House Flipper Hotkeys

If you do not want to go through the hassles of typing in the above House Flipper console commands, you might as well make use of the hot keys below to activate the desired cheat faster.

  • F3: Give you all the tools, even if you can’t use them in a mission.
  • F5: gives you a large amount of cash, around $500,000.
  • F8: It makes your tools do things instantly.
  • F9: Let’s complete any mission for 100% payment, no matter how much is done.

Note: The House Flipper cheats and console commands listed above are case-sensitive, so ensure to type them as written.

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