How to Install and Use RinCheat on PS Vita


Think of RinCheat as the cheat engine of PS Vita. It is basically a popular multifunction cheat plugin designed specifically for the PlayStation Vita to help gamers apply cheats to their favourite games. 

With RinCheat, you can painlessly scan and modify various in-game values, such as money, in real-time, and there’s an in-built screenshot feature that lets users capture various situations during gameplay without compression.

Albeit a useful tool, installing RinCheat on your PS Vita can be a bit of a hassle as a beginner, especially when the readme.txt file included in the downloadable zip barely explains how-to.

In this article, we will walk you through the steps to install RinCheat on your PS Vita and how to use the in-built memory scanner or value searcher to edit in-game values such as money.


Before we proceed, make sure your PlayStation Vita meets the following requirements:

  • Hacked PS Vita: RinCheat requires a modified PS Vita with custom firmware (CFW) installed. We recommend using HENkaku or Enso to modify your system.
  • Ensure your PS Vita is running firmware 3.60 or 3.65 and above.
  • Make sure you have VitaShell installed. It is basically a file management tool used to access and move files on your PS Vita.
  • Ensure you have an FTP client or a USB cable to transfer files between your computer and the PS Vita.
  • Download the RinCheat Plugin from the official Github repository and extract the zip file on your PC using WinRAR or 7-Zip to get the plugins and data folder.

Step 1: Transfer RinCheat to Your PS Vita

Having met the requirements above, open VitaShell on your PS Vita and connect it to your PC via USB or use FTP for wireless transfers.

Now on PC, open the PSVITA folder in the extracted RinCheat Plugin downloaded in the requirements above and copy/paste the “plugins” and “data” folder to the ux0: directory on your PS Vita’s file system. It should look like this:


Note: When you open the data folder, it contains the rinCheat folder, which houses the db folder with 5 files and the net.module.suprx file. Ensure they’re placed properly, as seen in the RinCheat plugin.

With that done, create a game.txt file in the plugins folder (it should look like this: ux0:/plugins/game.txt) and add the following line:

ux0:/plugins/rinCheat.suprx 1

That is it. You have successfully installed RinCheat on your PS Vita.

Important Notice: If the RinCheat plugin fails to work after placing it in the ux0:/plugins/ directory, simply try placing it in either of these two directories and comment if successful.




Ensure to adjust the path in the game.txt file accordingly. 

I.e., ux0:plugins/rinCheat.suprx 1 


ux0:tai/plugins/rinCheat.suprx 1

Step 2: Enable RinCheat for a Specific Game

Once you’re through with Step 1, go back to the VitaShell menu on your PS Vita and locate the config.txt file in the ur0: or ur0:tai/ folder. This file controls plugins for your system and games.

Once found, open it and click the right d-pad button on your PS Vita to add a new line at the bottom.

In the new line, press the X button to bring up the on-screen keyboard, and then type in your GAMEID prefaced with the * symbol (example: *PCSE00307).

Now, insert a new line below your GAMEID and type in




Depending on the path or directory the rinCheat.suprx file is placed.

Once done, press the Circle button and select Yes from the prompt to save your changes. 

Note: You can add more games if needed with the above method. 

Step 3: Reboot your PS Vita 

After editing the necessary files as described above, close VitaShell and reboot your PS Vita to activate the RinCheat plugin.

Step 4: Using RinCheat In-Game

Once your PS Vita reboots, launch any of your favourite games. The game must be a Vitamin 1.1 or 2.0 dump, as non-Vitamin dumps or Vitamin 1.0 dumps rarely work.

Now, during gameplay, press SELECT + START to open the RinCheat menu.

In the RinCheat menu, you will be able to set CPU Clockage and AutoSuspend.

The Screenshot feature can be found within the Game Hacks menu, and once enabled, continue your gameplay and then press L+R+START to capture a screenshot, which can be found in the following directory:


That aside, the RinCheat menu also features a value searcher/injector, which helps users edit in-game values in real-time. To use this, let’s say in a game like PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate HD.

First enter your money value (let’s say 0x00000154 (380) in the value searcher within the RinCheat menu) and Start Absolute Search on Stack and Heap

You should get around 30+ matches. Now go back to the game and change the current value by spending it on any in-game item. 

With that done, input the new value (ours is 0x000000F0 (280)) in the value searcher within the RinCheat menu and press Start Relative Search

Repeat the process to narrow down the list to 1 match and then change the final value to whatever you want (we entered 0x06F6E0FF (99,999,999) and press “Inject Value.”.

With that done, head back to your game, and you should see that your money value has changed to 99999999.

Wrapping Up

So this is basically how to install and use RinCheat on your PS Vita. Note that in addition to the above features, RinCheat also offers an FTP server, a Screen Stream feature, as well as a decrypted savedata dumper/restorer and a cheat list that helps in simplifying how cheats are applied per game. 

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