How to Cookie Log on Roblox (2025)

So you have got a working Roblox cookie logger and have attempted to view the .ROBLOSECURITY cookie of another user and right now you are probably wondering how to utilize it. In this article, we’ll walk you through on how to cookie log on Roblox.

Assuming Roblox is your child’s first experience with digital socializing, then they will probably start out as players not creators and as time elapse, they might graduate into designing there own games and even become the perfect script kiddie out there.

As an online entertainment platform for play, Roblox allows users to create games for the public. There are literally millions of games published on the platform and some of them vary from roaming a kingdom as medieval knight to delivering pizzas.

Albeit popular with young people, players of all ages can use Roblox. The site is completely free per se but with a little bit of dosh spent on its virtual currency called Robux, you can easily get yourself a nice pair for your character.

Now if you are looking to hack or beam into someone’s Roblox account, then you might have come across the term cookie logger. As you’d know, Roblox utilizes the .ROBLOSECURITY cookie to store a user’s session on the site and if these cookies happens to get into the wrong hands, then you’ll risk getting your account hacked.

At the very least, Roblox Cookie Logger is basically a script file that collects the cookies on your computer. They are mostly used to steal a user’s login details for the site and by so doing enables them to hack into your account without permission.

In this article, we’re going to walk you through on how to make a JavaScript Cookie Logger and then we will go further to guide you on how to Cookie Log on Roblox like a Pro. So if you are already itching to try it out, then read on.

How to Make a JavaScript Cookie Logger

To begin with, head over to Discord and Log in to your account. From here, click on the Add a Server button (I.e the plus (+) icon on the left side of the screen).

A pop-up will appear asking if you want to create a server. Simply click on “Create My Own“.

On the next pop-up, you’ll be asked if your server is for a few friends or a larger community. Select “For me and my Friends

Now enter a memorable” Server Name” when asked and once that is done, click on the “Create” button

Now it’s time to create a channel where you want the cookies to be logged. So to get this one going, click on the plus (+) icon beside text channel or the server name you just created. A drop-down should appear, select the “Create Channel” option.

From here, you’ll get a pop-up. Simply select “Text Channel” under Channel Type and then input the Channel Name. Once everything is done, click on the “Create Channel” button.

Now it’s time to get the webhook URL. So go ahead and click the plus (+) sign beside your Channel Name. From here, select “Edit Channel”

On the next page, click on “Integrations” followed by the “Create Webhook” button.

Now click on the button that says “Copy Webhook URL

Then head over to any of the following Roblox JavaScript Cookie Logger

In there, paste the “Discord Webhook” URL you copied earlier into the appropriate box and then enter a “Prompt” in the second box or leave it blank.

With everything done, click on the “Create” button and then copy the JavaScript generated.

Now navigate to a profile in Roblox. From here, paste the JavaScript into the address bar and then remove the (×) sign in front of it.

Once done, click Enter on your keyboard and the prompt screen will pop-up. Simpy type any word or number into the box and hit the “Ok” button.

That’s it.

Do note that you can easily hack into someone’s Roblox account using the appropriate JavaScript. Rather than typing any random word or number, we suggest you lookup our previous article which detailed how to hack Roblox accounts and you’d be accessing someone’s Roblox account in no time.

How to Cookie Log on Roblox

Now let’s cookie log on Roblox. So to get this one going, you’ll need to download the browser extension “EditThisCookie“. You can install it directly from Chrome web store.

Once done, the cookie icon should appear beside your Chrome search bar. Now head back to your Discord Server and copy all the codes found within the Cookie box.

Then on Roblox, click on the Cookie icon beside the address bar. A window should appear, simply scroll all the way to the option that says | .ROBLOSECURlTY

Click on it to reveal a drop down. Now under “Value“, delete all the codes found in there and paste/replace them with the cookie codes you copied from your Discord Server.

Once that’s done, click the green check button and then refresh the page and you’ll be good to go.

Wrapping Up

So this is undoubtedly the easiest way to cookie log on Roblox. Once you are able to get a working Roblox cookie logger, you can then attempt to view a user’s .ROBLOSECURITY cookie and possibly hack into their account.

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gigantGceMax22 November 13, 2023 - 12:36 pm
it shows me a different website
Xqs April 7, 2023 - 9:23 am
its not working i send me to teh login site
pls February 20, 2023 - 10:41 am
how to hack with roblosecurity?
creb3 July 20, 2022 - 4:56 am
can you teach me how to create?
Ers April 25, 2022 - 9:19 pm
uh man wtf This site can’t provide a secure connection
PATRICK April 21, 2022 - 9:17 pm
i love hacking
YourMom January 18, 2023 - 2:43 am
Do you have a site for the webhook thing?
herny April 5, 2022 - 12:52 pm
emm where do i type name nd plis hack this guy hs name on roblo is svampebob213 he is mean and super rich
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