Judging by the name alone, Agent17 sounds like a game where you get to play as a secret agent tasked to complete various missions, but there’s much more to it. You see, in this game, you assume the role of an ordinary, overlooked individual who unexpectedly gains control over a powerful figure named Agent17 through a mysterious phone.
Having initially suffered from bullying and a lack of recognition at school, you find that Agent 17 will carry out any command you give, allowing you to change your life dramatically.
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The central theme of this game revolves around how this newfound power transforms your life. You can take revenge on bullies, teachers, and principals who previously mistreated you and even interact with people you once felt distant from whilst delving into their unknown mysteries and uncovering their hidden talents.
Similar to most visual novel games, Agent 17 is rich in content. It features a sheer amount of characters, free roaming maps, items, quests, and, of course, mini-games that demand lots of grinding. Now, if you’re looking to speed up certain tasks, here’s all the Agent17 coupon codes for items such as stickers and more.
Agent17 Coupon Codes
Coupons are the lifeblood of Agent 17, allowing players to get a variety of items and even balance the love meter of specific characters. Now, if you are looking to get a plethora of items without completing repetitive tasks, here’s all the Agent17 coupon codes to utilise right now.
- 895-412-3654 ~ $50 Package
- 123-419-7083
- 472-141-7493
- 120-410-7025
- 259-592-2488 ~ Danaโs Love
- 847-336-9519 ~ Elsaโs Love
- 243-895-3600 ~ Chloeโs Love
- 781-912-8811 ~ Melissaโs Love
- 691-845-8898 ~ Hexatialโs ANGRY
- 236-317-9072 ~ Candyโs Sticker
- 308-175-8929 ~ Sakuraโs Sticker
- 500-843-3505 ~ Lunaโs Sticker
- 115-948-4696 ~ Red Roseโs Sticker
- 121-933-3254 ~ Dana and Chloeโs Sticker
- 924-788-9264 ~ Agent
- 966-571-8790 ~ Teacher
- 792-340-5464 ~ Class-rep
- 243-895-3600 ~ Chloeโs Love
- 259-592-2488 ~ Danaโs Love
- 847-336-9519 ~ Elsaโs Love
- 121-933-3254 ~ Sticker Home
- 115-948-4696 ~ Sticker Red Rose
- 308-175-8929 ~ Sticker Sakura
- 236-317-9072 ~ Sticker Candy
- 924-788-9264 ~ Agent
- 966-571-8790 ~ Teacher
- 792-340-5464 ~ Class-rep
- 243-895-3600 ~ Chloeโs Love
- 121-933-3254 ~ Sticker Home
- 817-132-1019 ~ Agent
- 115-948-4696 ~ Sticker Red Rose
- 308-175-8929 ~ Sticker Sakura
- 259-592-2488 ~ Dana Love
- 847-336-9519 ~ Elsaโs Love (Agent Grade)
- 267-623-4801 ~ Teacher
- 308-175-8929 ~ Sakura Sticker
- 292-982-9569 ~ Class Rep
- 491-152-5555 ~ Teacher
- 236-317-9072 ~ Sticker
- 944-587-9054 ~ Class-Rep
- 707-481-4051 ~ Student
- 110-349-1707
- 437-315-4229
- 318-301-5947
- 110-349-1707
- 437-315-4229
- 113-646-6377
- 7188028103
How to Use;
To utilise or make use of the Agent17 coupon codes above, you will have to make enough progress in the game to pick up the suspicious cellphone.

Once in your possession, click on the cracked phone icon at the right-hand side of the screen as shown above and type in the codes above depending on your game version to get your rewards.
Agent17 Cheat to Max Items in Your Inventory
In addition to coupon codes, players can easily override the anti-cheat mechanism in Agent17 and max out various items in their inventory. Here’s how to go about it.
- To begin with, open File Explorer on your PC and go to D:\Agent17-0.24.8-pc\renpy\common\
- In here, find and right-click on the file 00console.rpy and open it using Notepad.
- Then press CTRL+F and find the line config.console = false and change it to config.console = true.
- With that done, click on File at the top-right of the Notepad app and select Save.
- Now, in Agent17, press SHIFT + O during gameplay to bring up the console window.
- From here, type in “for item in g_InventoryItem:” and hit Enter. Then type in “item.count = 99” and hit Enter twice to activate.
Note: The above Agent17 cheat won’t function for items that you currently do not have in your inventory.