Insexual Awakening Cheats (2025)

Insexual Awakening cheats abound. So if you are looking to get unlimited money, here’s all the Insexual Awakening cheats to utilise right now.

Visual novels with tonnes of mini-games and actual objectives to work towards often pique my interest, and once I’d come across Insexual Awakening, I couldn’t help but give it a try.

Its premise follows the Willington family, who have recently moved to a spacious home after losing the breadwinner of the home.

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Now in a new home, a new life awaits the protagonist, Nate, who has recently reached puberty and is gripped by unfamiliar feelings that will change his relationship with his family.

For one thing, Insexual Awakening has this Saturday morning cartoon visual art style, and albeit fun, grinding through those mini-games can be a hell of a task.

So if you’re looking to skip the game’s annoying mini-games or to get a tonne of money with which you can use to purchase in-game items, here’s all the Insexual awakening cheats to use right now.

Insexual Awakening Cheats

In Insexual awakening, building charisma as well as relationships is no easy feat. Hence, assuming you are looking to simplify your gaming experience, here’s the only Insexual Awakening cheat to use right now.

Enable Console 

Prior to entering cheats in Insexual Awakening, one will need to enable the cheat console. To do this, simply follow the guide below:

  • To begin with, open up File Explorer and locate the Insexual Awakening game folder.
  • From here, click on “renpy” followed by “common”.
  • Now find the file 00console.rpy and open it with Notepad.
  • Next up, use CTRL+F to search for config.console.
  • Once found, look for the line config.console = False and change it to config.console = True, then save and exit.

Now open Insexual Awakening, and while in-game, press CTRL+O to bring up the cheat console.

Cheating in Insexual Awakening

With the Insexual Awakening cheat console now open, simply type in any of the following command into the provided box and press Enter to activate.


Or = X

replace “X” with amount

That’s it. You will instantly get the specified amount of money, which you can use to purchase gifts such as audiobook to build your level, relationship, boldness and charisma.

Note: You can type in the Insexual Awakening Money Cheat Command a few times to top up your balance.

Wrapping Up 

So this is basically the only working Insexual Awakening cheat to make use of. If you have advanced knowledge of cheating, you can easily use a reliable save editor online to modify your save file resource.

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