Space Journey X Cheats and Console Commands (2025)

Space Journey X is a thrilling sci-fi visual novel that combines classic point-and-click mechanics with space exploration, all wrapped in a narrative that’s as quirky as it is compelling.

In the game, players control an unnamed human hero, who, in a stroke of unfortunate luck, destroys the spacecraft of a female space explorer. With no way to reverse the damage, the two must navigate the cosmos together, facing an array of challenges as they try to make their way back home.

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Adding to Space Journey X adventure is a slightly annoying drone that never seems to run out of commentary and a mysterious passenger whose true intentions remain shrouded in secrecy.

As players embark on their journey, they’ll have to navigate a universe teeming with alien women, rebellious sex-bots, and various adventurers— each offering new opportunities and dangers which can only be maneuvered with the aid of cheats.

Space Journey X Cheats

Albeit immensely rewarding, players looking to speed up their journey home or explore every nook and cranny of the galaxy without limits can take advantage of Space Journey X in-built console to enhance their gaming experience.

Below, we will unravel all the Space Journey X cheats and console commands that can help give you unlimited resources, so you can focus more on exploration and story progression without worrying about running out of essential supplies.

Enable In-game Console:

Before we delve into the list of console commands for Space Journey X, players will need to activate the game’s in-built console using the guide below;

  • First, open File Explorer and go to Spacejourneyx/renpy/common
  • In here, find and right-click on 00console.rpy and open it using Notepad
  • Next up, press CTRL+F and find the text; config.console = False and change it to config.console = True
  • Now, click on File at the top-right of the Notepad app and select Save.
  • With that done, open Space Journey X and load a save or start a new game, then press Shift + O to bring up the console command window.
  • From here, type in the Space Journey X console commands below and hit Enter to activate.

Console Commands:

From the ability to set unlimited money to giving yourself items, the Space Journey X cheats below are definitely what you need to progress faster.

Note: Replace X with a desired number. Example; = 9999999

Set the amount of money you want = X

Control the hour of the day

GAME.hour = X

Modify installed systems


Note: SYSTEM_NAME can be “cargo”, “engines”, “hyperdrive”, “launcher”, “mining”, “shields”, “uplink”, “weapons”, etc. ROW can be 1, 2, 3 and COLUMN 1, 2, 3, 4. Example; subSys[cargo][1][4] = 50

Manage crewmate stress/energy

khelara.attr["STS"] = X 
nimhe.attr["STS"] = X
vee.attr["ENE"] = X
tris.attr["STS"] = X

Inventory Items

Inventory Item code includes;

  • ITMCandle
  • ITMLiquorFairy
  • ITMLiquorDrengarian
  • ITMLiquorVortex

Cargo Item


Cargo Item code includes;

  • ITMAICore
  • ITMCrateBots
  • ITMCrateBotsRare
  • ITMCrateBotsMil
  • ITMCrateBotsPre
  • ITMBioWeapons
  • ITMPodNano
  • ITMPodBio
  • ITMFlux
  • ITMPositron
  • ITMTunneling
  • ITMOutput
  • ITMTorpedoBFT
  • ITMTorpedoVoron
  • ITMAICore
  • ITMOrePromethium
  • ITMPodEnergy

To see all item codes, go to the game folder, then locate and open the file 205_init_item.rpy.

Wrapping Up

Space Journey X cheats are a way to open up new possibilities and make your interstellar adventure even more enjoyable. So whether you are looking to fast-track your progress or simply enjoy the game without the grind, the console commands above will help you get the most out of your journey through space.

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