Victoria 2 Cheats and Console Commands (2025)

From infamy to manpower, annex, literacy, population and more, here’s a list of all the Victoria 2 Cheats and Console Commands to help you change government and do other stuff.

It’s been 10 years since Victoria 2 launched and we’re yet to see a sequel, but that doesn’t mean that the widely known grand strategy game is fading. For one thing, Victoria 2 isn’t a game for all. It’s specifically targeted at extremely patient gamers or brainiacs with a soft spot for 19th Century strategies.

At its core, Victoria 2 puts you in charge of a country and the goal is to guide it through military conquest, colonization, political reforms and industrialization. The game offers a plethora of invention to discover coupled with the automation of various tasks.

Checkout: CKC Console Commands and Cheats

Albeit Passé, Victoria 2 graphics and streamlined interface is one of the best you can find out there and it brings a ton of features and DLCs that makes the overall experience engrossing. Now if you’re looking to simplify or make your gameplay easier, then here’s all the Victoria 2 Cheats and Console Commands to utilize right now.

Victoria 2 Cheats and Console Commands

Prior to unveiling all the Victoria 2 console commands, it’s appropriate you learn how to bring up the Console window. So to get this one over and done with, simply press either the grave ` or tilde ~ key on your keyboard to call-out the console window. Once done, type in any of the commands listed below and hit Enter to execute it.

  • money [amount] – This adds a specified amount of money to your nation’s cash reserves. Example money 13000
  • cash – This adds 1,000 cash to your nation’s reserves
  • prestige [amount] – This gives you a specified amount of prestige. Example prestige 100
  • leadership [amount] – This adds a specified amount of leadership to your nation’s leadership reserves. Example leadership 2
  • goods [amount] – This gives you a specified amount of goods plus the same amount of money. Example goods 20000
  • plurality [number] – This sets your plurality to a specified number. Example plurality 65
  • revolt [province id] – Once implemented twice, this command will start a revolt in the province with the specified ID. Example revolt 1
  • instantconstruction – This typically makes building finish in one day. You can also use the command inc as an alternative
  • instantresearch – This typically makes research finish in one day. You can also use the command inr as an alternative
  • yesmen – This makes the AI to accept any deals or offers. You can use the command debug yesmen as an alternative
  • tag [tag] – This changes your country to the one specified. Example tag England
  • event [event id] [province id] [tag] – This command triggers the event with the specified ID within a specified province or country. Example event 5162 1 or event 5162 England
  • changeowner [tag] [province id] – This changes the current owner of the specified province to the specified tag. Example changeowner England 1
  • changecontroller [tag] [province id] – This changes the current controller of the specified province to the specified tag
  • conquerall [tag] – This will annex all of the land of the specified country for your own
  • showprovinceid – This shows the id of all the province in the game. You can use the command provid as an alternative
  • spawnunit [unit] [province id] – This will spawn the unit with the specified ID in the specified province. The unit will spawn with full strength and no organization. Example spawnunit hussar 206
  • reload [filename] – This command will reload the file with the specified name. Example reload interface.gfx
  • reloadfx [effectname] – This command will reload the specified shader. Example reloadfx map
  • reloadtexture [name] – This command will reload the specified texture. Example reloadtexture grass.png
  • break – This command will force your country to surrender to the demands of rebels
  • upperhouse – This command will hold a reelection in the upper house of the nation you are currently playing as.
  • election – This command will start a general election in the nation you are currently playing as
  • militancy [level] – This command will change the militancy of all populations by the specified amount.
  • date – This changes the date. Example date 1840.3.25
  • fow – This command enables and disables fog of war
  • suppress – This command sets your nation’s suppression points to 100
  • minzoom – This lets you controls maximum and minimum zoom
  • debug market – This enables logging of all price changes to the game.log file
  • debug invent [invention id] – This lets you discover the invention with the specified ID for your country. Example debug invent gas_attack
  • wireframe – This toggles units’ 3D models to wireframe mode.
  • blockade [province id] – This command blockades the specified province.
  • reorg [province id] – This gives all units in the specified province 100% organization and full strength
  • fullscreen – This changes screen to fullscreen mode.
  • debug allmoney – This shows info for money transfers.
  • debug cb_use <cb_type> <tag> <tag> – This command prints a list of all requirements for the specified casus belli between the two specified countries. Example debug cb_use conquest_cb USA England
  • debug alwaysdiplo – This freezes your nation’s diplomatic points at 5, making them infinite
  • debug alwaysaddwargoal – This gets rid of limitations for adding wargoals.
  • debug researchpoints [number] – This grants the specified number of research points. Example research points 9002
  • debug alwaysreform – This eliminates the 1-month wait between reforms.
  • debug influence – This makes every Great Power’s influence on every country fixed at 100

Victoria 2 Hearts of Darkness Console Commands

Victoria 2 Heart of Darkness is the second expansion pack for the Victoria II game. Unlike the original, HOD focuses on the Scramble for Africa. So you’ll need to compete with other colonial masters whilst experiencing international crises. Below is every single cheat codes and Console Commands for Victoria 2 – Hearts of Darkness.

  • showrails – This command toggles the railroads visibility mode.
  • citysize [on / off] [size] – This command let’s you override the default maximum size of cities. Example citysize on 50
  • fakenewsall [style name] [seed] – This generates fake news for each possible fake new defined
  • fakenews [article name] [style name] [seed] – This generates fake news for the specified article name.
  • reloadnews – This reloads the news databases and styles
  • newsfrom [path] [style name] [seed] – This generates news from the specified folder
  • news [file name] [style name] [seed] – This generates news from the specified file
  • addresearch [tech id] – This adds research at the specified name
  • lprestige [province id] [amount] – This command adds the specified amount of prestige to leaders attached to units within the specified province
  • popupdate – This enables and disables the updating pops
  • popstat – This prints out the amount of active pops.
  • breakally [country tag] – This breaks all the alliances of the country specified.
  • lua [lua code] – This command executes the specified Lua code
  • technologylist – This command shows a list of all the technologies in the game
  • humans [amount] – This adds the specified amount of humans to your country.
  • window [open / close] [window] – This opens or closes the specified window
  • randomlog – This command enables and disables random logging.
  • paint – This enables map painting mode
  • rpaint – This enables region painting mode
  • cpaint – This enables continent painting mode
  • teleport [province id] – This teleports the unit that you currently have selected to the province with the specified ID
  • tutorial [chapter id / reload] – This moves you to the specified chapter of the tutorial, or reload the tutorial files.
  • copyprov – This copies the province ID of the province you currently have selected to your clipboard.
  • helplog – This prints out a list of all console commands to the game.log file
  • help [command name] – This shows a list of all console commands or specified command.

So these are all the Victoria 2 Cheats and Console Commands that are currently working. Do go ahead and utilize them amicably.

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