Young Maria Cheat Codes galore. So if you are looking to get infinite money, and more, below is all the currently active Young Maria cheats codes to utilise right now.
For one thing, I ain’t a big fan of text-based HTML lewd games, but having seen Young Maria, I couldn’t help but appreciate what it had to offer. For folks living under a rock, Young Maria’s gameplay revolves around a young girl who has recently moved to a new city with her family. Starting life afresh, she will have to make new friends in a new school whilst utilizing every single opportunity to reveal her true self.
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As the player, you’ll have to make certain choices which includes corrupting your family, converting your apartment into a brothel, or having fun with strangers in a variety of beautiful, quirky, and public settings. In addition to purchasing different types of clothes and accessories, you can even acquire a gun to protect yourself from those who may take advantage of your beauty.
Players can also visit a bar, a park, a beach, library, or even their grandfather’s farm and any place of choice, provided it’s available. Now assuming you’re looking to buy things and get by, we have listed below, all the currently active Young Maria cheats codes to utilise right now.
Young Maria Cheat Codes

Young Maria is constantly updating and there are a plethora of cheat codes that can help you simplify the gaming experience. So without further delay, below is all the new and working Young Maria Cheats Codes to make use of.
- ymoney = You Get +300 money
To get more money; open Chrome developer console using SHIFT + CTRL + J and lookup the line below. Once found, change your current money to any amount. Example;
- fuckmyparents! = You Get +1 hadSexWithDad and +1 HadSexWithMom
- fuckmysiblings! = You Get +1 hadSexWithBrother and +1hadSexWithSister
- addbjexp = You Get +10 bj given
- addanalexp = You Get +10 anal
- addvagexp = You Get +10 vaginal
- ycorrupt = You Get +30 Corruption
- beautifulm = You Get +30 Beauty
- populargirl = You Get +30 Reputation
- drinksomecoffee = You Get Full Energy
- soulmate = You Get +10 relationship with siblings
- scorrupt = You Get +10 siblings corruption
- yparentsliberty = You Get +10 relationship with mom and +10 relationship with dad
- yparentscorruption = You Get +10 mom corruption and +10 dad corruption
- datechanger = Let’s You Change Date
- bestmansfriend = You Get +30 Relationship with Ralf
- realmansfriend = Let’s You Turn real beastality on/off
So these are all the currently active Young Maria cheat codes to utilise right now. If you are in custody of any cheat code not listed above, we’d appreciate it if you notify us using the comment box below. Also note that Young Maria Cheats codes option is located just under phone.