The Best Fallout 4 Mods (2025)

That’s right, you post-nuclear apocalyptic video game players, secret hidin’ and sons of guns. Get out your coolest garb because it’s time for the best fallout 4 mods.

This year November, we’d see Fallout 4 turn four and that really fucks with my time perception. I do always feel the game came out a year or so, and there are already a slew of mods to enhance the gameplay. But what’s the hype with fallout 4? What’s the game all about?. From the makers of Elders Scrolls comes a post-apocalptic action role-playing game set within an open world city of Boston in the Commonwealth region where a Sole Survivor ventures out to find his missing child.

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Bethesda really exerted their energy to make fallout 4 what it is today. They created the game’s story with passion, gave it astonishing visuals and added a ton of features to make the game an interesting one. The ability to apply a variety of mods that can alter fallout 4 gameplay is probably what lead to its longevity. So if you are looking to create more diverse worlds, get alternate endings or the heaviest weapons, then here are the best fallout 4 mods for PS4, PC and Xbox one.

1. Start Me Up

Start Me Up is unequivocally the best fallout 4 alternate start mod. It’s simple, intuitive and basically what you need if you’re looking to skip boring cutscenes and try out a completely different beginning. For players who don’t want to go through the bullshit of running helter skelter, but instead wants to start anew, they’d find Start Me Up essential.

It is a unique mod that provides alternate start, quick start and normal start options. With it, you won’t be waking up as the parent of Shaun, but instead as a custom character with custom background story. Aside from allowing role players to alter dialogue accordingly, Start Me Up let’s users select special stats with up to 20 traits, and they can choose different occupations, locations and modify levels if need be.

2. Sim Settlements

Sim Settlements is one of the essential fallout 4 mod that seeks to fix Bethesda’s disconnected settlement system. Don’t worry, even if you aren’t good in architecture, you can always get settlers to do the work for you. Kinggath’s Sim Settlements mod works by allowing players build zone objects that tells settlers what kind of buildings to create in different areas of their settlements.

The mod also brings tons of features, including a progression system, settlers needs system and rewards to encourage settlements. Recently, a new update called Conqueror rolled out, and it is everything you’d ever ask for. With the new Sim Settlements – Conqueror, you can explore, conquer, build and destroy all sorts of barriers using pre-built settlements.

3. Thomas Automatron

Albeit abandoned, Thomas Automatron is still one of the crazy but awesome fallout 4 mods out there. Imagine being cut down by a robotic death machine with kid-friendly face and unblinking emotionless eyes. You’d never forget that experience. Thomas Automatron is a mod produced by Japanese modder Higeyosi. It typically adds a smiling Thomas head to the Sentry bot in Fallout 4’s robot-crafting Automatron DLC.

4. Beast Master

In real life, I’d prefer having dogs as companions. But in Fallout 4, a Molerat, Deathclaw or Radstag will do the job better. Fortunately, there’s a Beast Master mod for Fallout 4 that offers a variety of different creatures that can launch a surprise attack at an enemy whilst giving you the chance to set up a sniper shots. Of course you can give your beast a unique name, equip them with saddlebags and have them scavenge for items.

5. Search and Destroy

If you are looking for a masochistic experience with beautifully painful gameplay, then utilize Search and Destroy with mods like Pack Attack and More Enemies. You’d surely see hell while trying to survive in the wasteland. The mod typically allows foes to see you from a distance and start coming for you. And this time, they won’t dismiss stealth shoots as a gust of wind. Search and Destroy was created with two aims, to increase the length of time enemies will hunt for you as well as the range over which they’ll detect and pursue you.

6. LockSmith

As a player who values privacy and hates surprise attacks whilst off guard, I do say LockSmith is my top 6 favourite Fallout 4 mod. It’s handy if you’re looking to keep pesky settlers out while using the bathroom. With the mod, you can painlessly lock any door or container in the wasteland with just a press of a button. Personally, I’d use the mod to lock myself in a room whenever I’m being chased by high level enemies.

7. Unleveled Wasteland

I don’t fancy leaving any stone unturn whilst playing fallout 4 and getting a better weapon as soon as the game kicks off gives me an upperhand in sending my enemies to the world beyond. Unleveled Wasteland is the mod that lets me achieve that dream, and I strongly recommend it. It’s a mod that gives you high-level loot during early gameplay but it does have repercussions, as gangrenous ghouls will be fighting to condemn your very existence.

8. Pack Attack

Pack Attack is one of the fallout 4 mods that brings an incredibly tense gameplay. With it installed, you will no longer shot recklessly without aiming. For the best part, Pack Attack is a mode that introduces gangs with group combat tactics. It makes AI smarter, giving them the option to retreat and take cover while lying in ambush, avoiding suicidal attacks and waiting for hand-to-hand combat.

9. PIP-Pad

In the Fallout universe, PIP practically stands for Personal Information Processor. It’s an electronic device that shows everything you need to know about the post-apocalptic world you’re fighting on as well as useful informations about yourself. Thankfully, there’s a new PIP-Pad mod designed to overhaul the heavy Pip-Boy around your arm. It looks much like a tablet and brings a user-friendly interface with retro-futurism.

10. Project Valkyrie

Why beat fallout 4 twice when you can easily alter the endings? Why use violence to resolve disputes between factions when you can use persuasion? Well with Project Valkyrie, you won’t be tagged the bad guy again. It’s actually one of the coolest fallout 4 mods that alternate endings in the game. It brings 20 huge quests with fully-voiced and vanilla-based companions. So go ahead and free the synths, kick out the bad guys, convince Desdemona to chill out and challenge Elder Maxson for the leadership of the brotherhood of steel.

11. DEF_UI

DEF_UI is undoubtedly the best fallout 4 user interface mod that allows users to customize head-up display. The mod was created by Neanka, Valdacil, Old Nick, ParasiteX and sekoms. It comes bundled with DEF-INV which modifies the UI for container, barter and pipboy inventory screens. You’d get to experience a ton of improvements with this mod.

12. Lowered Weapons

When you look at most of the First Person Shooter games out there, you do notice the protagonist always have their guns pointing forward, even when they are not firing it. Fortunately, Lesma666’s Lowered Weapons mod has spawned to address that issue in fallout 4. It typically does what it says, have your character lower his gun when he’s not firing it. With your gun downed, you’d experience simple animation sweep that enhances the pleasure of exploring the wasteland.

13. Horizon

Horizon’s main goal is to create a more challenging and immersive gameplay experience. It’s mostly focused on fallout 4 survival mode and brings a plethora of overhaul that rebalances and expands the game from ground up. Its modernized remake on NPCs with new weapons, explosives and settlement changes makes it awesome. Horizon is like 50 mods in one, and we recommend you try it out.

14. Place Everywhere

Place Everywhere has no alternative. It’s the one and only mod that allows users to place buildings and objects anywhere within their settlements without fearing the red color of forbidden. With this mod, you can build in water, air and inside other objects. Whilst utilizing it, I’d often feel it differentiates between chaos and sanity. TheLich’s Place Everywhere mod is essential if you’re looking to build water-purifiers everywhere.

15. New Vegas Uniques Mega Pack

There are a plethora of weapons in Fallout New Vegas, some so unique that they exist only in the game world, while others are obtained as quest rewards or in specific locations. Now if you are looking for the best fallout 4 weapon mods, something that’s non-automatic but instead features a post-apocalptic and Mad Max feel with the capability to make your game feel more run down and horrible, then you should checkout the New Vegas Uniques Mega Pack mod. It contains 20 weapons such as 10mm pistol and others.

Wrapping Up

Fallout 4 mods are many, and while Militarized Minutemen helps to overhaul factions by adding different combat styles, there are still a ton of mods out there that we possibly can’t list. However, the ones mentioned above are what we’re currently utilising and they make the overall gameplay awesome.

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1 comment

Grant Hathaway April 21, 2020 - 12:47 am
There are maybe 2 of these mods on ps4. Misleading title.
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