Home » News » WickedWhims is a Mod You Shouldn’t Install in The Sims 4

WickedWhims is a Mod You Shouldn’t Install in The Sims 4

by Henry Emmanuel

WickedWhims is cancerous. It’s one of the Sims 4 sex mods targeted at players who yearn for nudity during gameplay. Don’t install it.

Boomed into one of the best selling PC games of all time, the Sims 4 is without doubt an interesting simulation game that teaches players how to live the best of their life. I started my Sims 4 journey in 2017, thereby ditching stardew valley and the like with the hope to experience something better. From completing various objectives to getting stuck at different sessions, I’d say it’s a catatonic game.

Of all the years I have been playing Sims 4, I’d never experience raw sex. Infact it is never visible, and even though it features the “wooho” or “do it” thing, they’re all carried out under the cover of bedsheets and pixelated bodies. On Sims 4, characters can have a baby, but it sure isn’t an easy task.

Player level as well as relationship level with other Sims are one of the basic requirements needed to making babies in Sims 4. Then purchasing the Bassinet under the Babies & Kids section and utilizing it will make your Sim adopt or have a baby the natural way. Today, it’s sad to say that all this have changed, as a bunch of horny simheads have developed a ton of mods that enhance the game’s sex mechanics.

One such mod is WickedWhims, created by Turbodriver with the aim to offer explicit animated sex, nudity interactions, relationship enhancement and gameplay improvement. But how does this “thing” improve the overall gameplay? Like seriously, creating a mod where Sims get nude completely, while having them engage in sexual activities all over the house and in public isn’t educative at all.

And to think that modders who add a lot of sex scenes in the Sims 4 are making up to $4,000 a month proves that it’s a lucrative business that’s weird. But I really do not think most people want it. Aside from story telling, I really do not see the need of using Wicked Whims in regular gameplay. It tends to interrupt the game’s theme, making it overly focused on sex and sexuality while the main objectives fall in the background.

Imagine you have kids who loves watching you play the Sims, then fast-forward to that session where Sims bang each over, ejaculating on the face of their female partner who give them blowjob…. ouch envision the look the kids will give you. You’d be like….

Wicked Whims makes Sims 4 gameplay depressing, especially when the novelty wore off. The autonomous banging is unpleasant to the eyes and it still doesn’t end there as the modder is seriously adding more graphics action to the game and they can be downloaded for free.

Wrapping Up

For some, Wicked Whims is essential. But I really do not think so. Having a threesome in a bathtub, bed, shower, toilet, kitchen counter and giving skilful handjob on a couch may bring wide imaginations, but you’re straying away from what the game was initially made for. So try as much as possible not to install WickedWhims mod, as it’s cancerous.

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Stacy February 12, 2020 - 7:31 am

I completely respect your opinion. So here is mine.

The Sims 4 is not educational software. It’s a simulator, a person simulator. It’s clear that you know how mod The Sims 4. Wicked Whims and the Loverslab website are not easy find unless your looking for those types of mods. Since you don’t like nudity or visible sex in the game, why did you install it? Wicked Whims is very clear about what it adds to the game. I appreciate the work Turbodriver has done. It is the best sex mod available and it’s free.

bitchcake February 3, 2020 - 6:28 am


Lana February 1, 2020 - 8:18 pm

The argument is pretty silly because I’ve tried this adult mod before. Yes there are threesomes and some gross stuff in wicked whims but there is a period system, realistic nudity and a pregnancy system. Also, autonomy can be easily switched off. Also, not everyone is playing it for kids, believe me. And I doubt many players play wicked whims in front of “kids”. The Sims is played by adults often so why does it have to serve it’s original purpose of being too cringeworthy and kiddy for us to play? Wicked whims can be a nice addition and yes I agree that it can be too much, but adjusting the settings can add a little life to the gameplay.

Sum Juan January 27, 2020 - 4:55 am


Deezo January 22, 2020 - 3:21 pm

Oh yeah, and Wicked Whims gives your sims to ability to become, or simply be, polyamorous. Thank you, TurboDriver

Joenon January 17, 2020 - 2:44 am

Even if you find wicked whims to be not educational. …lol be thankful it exists. Without that mod the seals would plummet and there would be no more new packs or support. In addition it is because of that mud but there are so many talented modders and other people that add the fixes and additions to the game after every single patch that is released breaking the game. It may not be educational but it is the direct reason for continual funding of the game thanks to the increased sales of all the people that want this in the game. The funny thing is of all the features in the game this is the one feature that actually works on an almost consistent basis.

Sabrina January 2, 2020 - 2:25 am

This is the funniest blog post I have read in such a long, long time. Thank you for this; I needed it.

Some of the funniest points:

1) “while having them engage in sexual activities all over the house and in public isn’t educative at all.”
Since when is The SIms franchise “educative”? This is not an educational game. It’s a simulator game. I’ve been playing it since The Sims 1 and it has taught me nothing. Because it’s not meant to do…that.

2) “It do interrupt the game’s theme, making it overly focused on sex and sexuality while the main objectives fall in the background.”
Again, this is a life simulator. It has NO theme. 0 theme. Main objectives? apart from the whims, again, The Sims franchise has no objectives set in stone (Apart from Sims Medieval and The Sims life stories and Castaways series). It’s a life simulator so that means you can do whatever you want with it. Guess what is also part of life? Sex. This is without mentioning that the majority of the long-time fans are not children anymore and are growing out of the vanilla game and want to add more to their gameplay experience.

3) “The autonomous banging is unpleasant to the eyes and it still doesn’t end there as the modder is seriously adding more graphics action to the game and they can be downloaded for free.”
You clearly haven’t bothered to experiment with the mod before writing this. You saw it added sex options, clutch your pearls and called it a day. Like the comments before me mentioned, this mod adds so much more to the game than sex. Autonomous banging? Did you know that you can turn that off? I know, what a concept, I myself have it turn off in my game and, even then, I don’t always use it and instead use the Woohoo option.

4) “but you’re straying away from what the game was initially made for. So try as much as possible not to install WickedWhims mod, as it’s cancerous.”
Again, the game wasn’t initially made for anything. It was, and it still is and it will forever be, a life simulator. It simulates real life and real life also happens to include sex. I won’t even touch on you comparing this mod to cancer.

God, this was so much fun to read.

Jaxx March 13, 2020 - 11:38 pm

Thank you for saying what I was thinking.

Getoki June 7, 2020 - 11:26 am

Thank you again, for saying what i want to say. This is the most hilarious post i have ever seen so far. “Educative”, lmao…

Denois June 17, 2020 - 10:39 pm

The only thing I think you missed is
5) “Imagine you have kids who loves watching you play the Sims, then fast-forward to that session where Sims bang each over, ejaculating on the face of their female partner who give them blowjob…. ouch envision the look the kids will give you.”
Imagine I don’t have kids. Imagine if I did have kids that watched me play sims I would know to turn off the autonomous sex interactions. Imagine that I don’t have to make decisions based on hypothetical children that do not and will never exist but even if I *DID*, the mod still have options available so that people can parent responsibly.

Julie April 23, 2021 - 7:23 pm

Right?? If you’re playing the Sims with Wicked Whims graphic sex animations in front of your children, that’s your own fault for being a bad parent with horrible judgment. That’s a you problem, NOT the mod’s problem, and NOT the problem of folks using said mod.

Wen March 11, 2022 - 3:56 pm

Funniest part is I DO play the sims WITH wicked whims when my kids awake, I just use streamer mode. First of all the sex settings can be changed around and made very realistic. There’s also a streamer mode. You control when your sim has sex if autonomy is off, so imagining showing your kids that would have to be something you purposely did which is disgusting.

Bolon November 4, 2020 - 7:59 pm

Whomever wrote this article is obviously a prude.

somebody's asexual & doesnt realize it... December 27, 2022 - 12:01 am

you said this so well. this person needs to kick rocks lol

Michelle December 12, 2019 - 6:46 pm

Wicked Whims also adds realistic menstrual cycles and pregnancy, and the ability to set what your Sim is attracted to, so that when they see a Sim that meets those requirements, they actually pick who they want instead of you arbitrarily picking an NPC for them to hit on. Sims can breastfeed their babies without pixelation, because breastfeeding should not be censored. Nudity does not automatically = sex, especially if you turn down or turn off sex autonomy in the game.

Mikhaila November 20, 2019 - 3:15 am

You know this mod has more than explicit sex in it? And you can turn off the explicit sex and use the sims 4 sex system, which is what I do. I get over the explicit sex too. The main thing I use it for is the attraction system and sweat system, so my sim sweat when they exercise and have sexual preferences now (like they did in previous sims games). It’s adding real game play and shouldn’t just be dismissed for being a “sex mod”.

Ember November 16, 2019 - 5:08 pm

This is really a matter of opinion. Lot’s of simmers, myself included feel like EA/MAXIS steered away from what the sims is about. It’s a life simulator. Sex is a part of life. The blog and my comment are all subjective of course but for some ppl the devs need to be thanking Turbo, Sacrificial, Kawaii Stacie, LittleMsSam, and countless others because without them we wouldn’t be playing the game. Animators like Mike23, Amra72, Error404, Motherlodesims, etc make really good animations for the mod that obviously ppl like because they’re paying for them. Those animators with patreons are receiving wild support which kind of invalidates the fact that wickedwhims isn’t necessary. That’s in the eye of the player.

Lilly Pilly November 15, 2019 - 6:57 am

Oh, yeah, I totally won’t download wicked whims now…

Shaday January 10, 2020 - 3:45 am

Lol I love that spirit

valentina November 4, 2020 - 12:27 pm

this is like the video game equivalent of slut-shaming lol like if u don’t like the mod, u can delete it without making moralistic judgements upon everyone who does. you also clearly have not explored the extremely vast and detailed settings bc u can turn off autonomous sex and cum and all manner of other things. i turned off cum cuz it was weirding me out lol and i have autonomous sex at average bc i enjoy the realism of having strangers f*****g in a bar bathroom. i think its an incredible mod for just how many things it adds to the game beyond sex, like i can just turn off jealousy THANK GOD. bc to me, a life simulator is about creating the ideal life and mine is polyamorous lesbian wives who share a child with a bisexual vampire couple and live in a giant mansion with a sex dungeon behind a secret door. only Judy can judge me ~

Ericka July 14, 2021 - 2:55 am

i love this

Lena September 2, 2021 - 3:17 am

This is literally how i play

Hellena November 11, 2019 - 9:37 am

I’m a fan of WW I don’t use it all the time but it does add realism I love basemental drugs more! I also love Sacrificial Mods like Armageddon! Also please do not compare triviality like this game to serious life threatening disease like cancer . As someone who has lost to many family members to cancer it’s quite insensitive.

Mell October 6, 2021 - 12:45 am

Nah, I like Wicked Whims, sorry about that. If it’s not up to your liking, then don’t instal it. You don’t HAVE to have it, but calling it ‘cancerous’ is going a few steps too far.

Zine February 17, 2022 - 6:53 am

I agree. I just installed it, it makes the game funner.

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